Can’t seem to fill the fuel tank in ’67 Newport.

Here's another problem that's been bugging me since I bought it. I have a 25 gallon tank but I think the most I've ever gotten into it is like 12 or so. I can put a little gas in but after a few seconds it shuts off and I get a little bit splashing out. Even tried squeezing the trigger as little as possible to make the stream smaller but still shuts off and spills out. At one gas station I was able to get parked on a little incline to raise the rear of the car up but that didn't seem to help. I can get a good 8-10 gallons in before I start having this problem. I am pushing the gas nozzle in as far as I can.

Gas fill is behind license plate and low to the ground.

Any ideas?
Author: OneEyed