Barnfind 49 Packard flower car 1 of none

51A1725A-6D97-4A23-AAEC-6E76FE74D54A.jpeg FA810E10-6016-4A00-A3F9-C71E2678F2BE.jpeg Yep according to a Packard expert this car doesn’t exist.

So yesterday in my travels I found that I was going to be in my buddies Scotty’s neck of the woods. So I called him up to see if he would be around. He said sure come on over. I got there about 2 pm. Hadn’t been to his house in nearly a year. He owns a junkyard full of old cars & that’s were I usually find him. Anyway Scottie has quite the collection at his house. I took several photos of some rare cars. He...

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Author: C Body Bob