Bad guys lose : UPDATE

Both my "intruders" were found in violation of their parole Friday and ordered to serve out the remaining time on their original sentence, close to 12 years each. They go back to court tomorrow on 4 additional charges each for being at my place. Prosecutor is going for the max on all charges, could mean an additional 14 years each person.

Good thing they came when they did. I have 2 Belgian Malinois? sp? 9 month old guard dogs coming. Preferred guard/sentry dogs of most countries military I understand. They can get to be 200# I hear, and can be handled by hand signs w/o voice commands as well. They will only respond to their handler/s commands and are fiercely loyal to their handlers/owners. Former Navy bud turned me on to them, another AF guy I know was a trainer, (RET), he's going to come out and work them for me. DAMN! should I have them go racing with me too?

BK, you oughtta know about that breed right? Former MP and all?