August 3 Devotion


Some go to great lengths to show how tolerant they are. Take for
example, the following quote: “Christianity is certainly not the only way to God.”

And that statement is supposedly backed up by a scripture to prove
his point. Acts 10:35, “but in every nation any one who fears him and
does what is right is acceptable to him.”
His reasoning is that surely in
other religions where people have longed for fellow
ship with God, they have found it. The author holds that Christianity is
superior to other religions; but exclusiveness is not really Christian.

These sentiments seem to fit the mood of our times, but are they true?

Can the sin question be answered without the blood of Christ?
Is there no need for atonement?
Are some saved by the blood of Christ, and others without?
Was the death of Christ unnecessary?

Was Jesus right when he said, “you will die in your sins unless you believe
that I am he”? And what about his statement, “I am the way, and the truth ,
and the life; no one comes to the Father, but buy me”? Regardless of how
narrow that may seem to you, that’s what Jesus said.

Don’t bash the one remedy there is for sin. Rejoice that God has
provided a way by which He can be just, and at the same time justify those
who believe in the Son. We are not peddling human ideas and notions.

We are proclaiming Good News!

For God so loved the world that he have his only Son, that whoever
believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son
into the world, not to condemn the world, but that world might be
saved through him. He who believes in him is not condemned;
he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed
in the name of the only Son of God
"(John 6:16-18).


Camden Ave Church of Christ
Author: Magnumguy