August 19 Devotion

Purpose in Suffering

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
(Romans 8:18 ESV)

When we see or experience pain, we recoil. Naturally, our minds search for a solution that we feel will make things right. We feel grieved when we suffer, when we see others suffer, and we cry out for justice. Occasionally, this may even mean that our hearts and minds turn to the darkness of vengeance, hatred and revenge. It is natural for us, as children of a Holy God, to wish for justice. It is almost as if the foundation of morality, the sense of right from wrong, has been woven by God into our very DNA.

However, justice isn’t ours to exact, and I believe that God allows for us to suffer because He loves us so deeply. The beauty of struggle lies within the power of the transformative potential it can have within our lives. It is no secret that some of our world’s most empathetic, loving, and truly beautiful people are those who have known suffering, have experienced loss, and have lived through devastating defeat. God, as our loving Father, builds our character through discipline and love (Hebrews 12:10, Romans 5:3-5). This of course includes discomfort on our part, and sometimes our struggle is truly profound. However, it is not without purpose (Romans 8:18).

You may be dealing with something in your life that you feel is beyond what you can bear, and my heart breaks with yours. I am sorry for your pain. I want you to know that you are not alone, that God has not abandoned you, and that you are loved. Please, brothers and sisters, hold fast to the Lord and to His word in your time of intense trial. Seek out those who can help you to preserve. As Jesus suffered before us, we too will experience great pains in this life, but it is not without purpose.

Beloved, trust today in God’s presence. Pray for His peace in your life, and trust that, though your pain may last, you are NOT abandoned.

You are dearly loved. :angel:

I like to think of how all of those Bible "heroes" or stars, suffered in many ways, yet became stronger in more ways than one... :) The more the Church was persecuted, the more it grew and spread.

Author: Magnumguy