Anyone Draw?

As I'm sure a few know, I have undergone some health issues recently, and have been sort of "laid up" for a lack of better term....So, to keep myself from going bug-shit crazy, I been building models, and drawing....Before the surgery I had, I wound up with a broken right hand (YES, I'm right handed) BUT it taught me to become REALLY skilled left handed with the computer, that was around a year ago....So, in that time, before I knew I needed open heart surgery, I drew on the MS Paint, for most of you, your computer has a decent version of this program, and you too can do these, with a bit of time!

As you know or should/will in time, I favor "The Elephant" quite a bit....SO, I did some writing from a base....


The above "base" as I'm sure you all know, is/was from a T-Shirt....Possibly even signs! WELL, I took it one step further....

Here ya go:

Then I got into the "drawing".... tell me what ya think of my own skills on a computer, use of "colors" that I mixed digitally, and needless to say, ALL DONE left handed!

THEN I changed it up a bit......Took it from the custom mixed orange, to the purple......

And last but not least. I mixed it up a bit.... the Motor........... PLUS the Definition of Hemi added into one picture!!!!

Now granted, these pictures, aren't "completed" yet as you see, PLUS, I added my color palette on each picture, once each is "completed" that will be removed from the picture!

I've also got the Slant 6 and even a Wedge or 2......:-D

Author: admin