Another story of luck

Bil is walking down the street when he sees and old friend, George, whom he has not seen in quite some time, across the street.

He calls out, Hey George". George sees Bill, crosses the street, they exchange pleasantries, and George says, "Don't call me George any nmroe, call me Lucky. I found a dollar bill on the sidewalk, played the lotto,and won $2 million dollars, netted just over a million after taxes." Bill replies that that surely was lucky.

2 weeks later, Bill sees again,and says "Hello Lucky", to which Lucky replies, "Don't call me lucky anymore, call me Lucky Lucky" Bill asks why, Lucky Lucky tells him he went to Vegas, plunked the complete million down on 00 on the roulette wheel, and hit, and walked away with a cool $35 million." Bill, envious, agrees that indeed does make him "Lucky Lucky".

About 6 weeks later, Bill spots "Lucky Lucky" again, and calls out to him, to which Lucky Lucky replies, "Don't call me Lucky Lucky, call me Lucky Lucky Lucky!!"

Bill asks why, to which the reply is, "I was in bed with my best friend mike's wife, and Mike came home, caught us by suprise, pulled out a pistol and shot me in the ass!"

Bill asks, "How does that make you 'Lucky Lucky Lucky'?"

Lucky Lucky Lucky replies, "If Mike would've walked in 30 seconds earlier, he would've gotten me in the back of the head!!"
Author: admin