A marriage made in heaven

John and Sally decided to celebrate their fifty years of marriage with a ride in the country to a lake where they first met. On the ride John asks his bride if she ever had any regrets spending all those years with just him. No she replied, why would you ask ? Well it's just that sometimes I felt a little guilty working all the time on my hot rod and perhaps I had neglected you. I never had a problem with that I always found a way to occupy my time she replied.

Suddenly a deer ran across the road John lost control of the car and hit a tree. He passed out and when he came too he was in a wonderful placed surrounded by family and friends who had long since passed away. All he could see where beautiful cars of every description. Welcome to heaven John he heard in a booming voice. As your first reward for being a faithful husband you can have any car you can imagine. Really he said. Yes your transportation for eternity is based on your faithfulness. Wow I have to tell my lovely Sally is she here, or did she survive the accident. No don't worry she's here, and will be along shortly, she is just having a tough time picking out a color for her skateboard.
Author: admin