A chubby furd

yesterday on the way back from the local fuel station i cam along side a chubby looking furd cobra mid 00 at the light no traffic for miles . so when we pulled up to the light red light he was down shifting... and so was i.... once stopped along side i looked right at him through his passenger window... he looked back and then to his phone i new he was shittin.. he was trying to intimidate a MOPAR and a 5th ave at that until i was along side him idle..n....I'M Ready!
So i have not been to the 1/4 yet and i was hoping to get an idea of my e.t.
So i turm my gaze to the amediate surrondings and then to the light
Green Go so i give her a good usual fast push to 3/4 keeping the tork winding and just ready to hit it and well he's way behind me so i continue to 55 now at a modert peddle / acceleration cool he didnt want to race... maybe it was to scary...but i could tell he rods on it and im sure he's raced it.
then all of a sudden here he comes like gang busters so he passes me he was probbly doing 65- 70 - im at 55 so now at the rear end of traffic he starts gossing it and acting the crazie teenager so i slow way down "theirs no one behind us for miles and so does he and now from 30 we smash it to the floor well weell wellll he didn't leave ol 5th in the dust....matter fact i stayed right along side that furd cobra!...but i had to slow before i got any closer for my comfort to that traffic which now was approaching a traffic signal so while we were along side each other he asks me what e.t.s you run Well hell i haven't been to the strip so i answer him 11.40... the look on his face was great :laugh:LOL then i said just kidding i was trying to find out at the last light i said you should have run me then so he answers back that car is to heavy to beat me i laughed not as much as you think, you didn't pull away from me from that roll! this is not a full framed Lincoln log here shes as light as a chubby or your car... well you must be running a high gear you'll run out of top end before i do! he shouts back and i answered back yep shes got a gear and a 4 speed auto and with a top speed of 180 if road provides! "of course i will never go that fast with out a stage 3 suspension package from Firm feel"
well i went right and he went straight ahead....Have A Nice Day!:gone:
Author: Gorts 5th