Now what? Paint or modify.

As would be the case with most of us, I have at least something that resembles a budget. I have some money and limited time.

My wish list on the car includes:

Updating the front suspension, brakes, plus new wheels
Adding A/C
Getting body work done and paint
Replace wiring
5 speed conversion
fuel injection
Cylinder head swap

As it is I have not driven the car in three years. Not quite a coincidence my youngest boy will be three this summer.

I have enough saved to do the body and paint
I have enough saved to do the suspension upgrades and add A/C

I miss driving the car. It is very fast. My 300M just does not cut it, and lets not even talk about the Dodge mini van. Going to local car shows in the mini van makes me ill. But if I put it back on the road now, when would I ever paint it? If I take it apart to paint it, when would I ever drive it again? My best guess would be 1-1/2 to 2 more years! Some of the guys I talk to say to paint it, others say drive it.

Then there is the issue of insuring this car. What value does it have now verses painted? When I add the five speed, the A/C, the suspension, fuel injection - how do I value it? It is a modified vehicle, or could be considered something of a "pro touring car" Is the value based on the sum of the parts costs? What some appraiser thinks it is worth? Follow the link in my signature if you want to see pictures.
Author: admin