Junkyard find today, in my own backyard

Was goofing around in one of the "late-model" yards across the river today. They didn't have anything past the year 2000 in here, but also didn't have alot of mid-80's or previous stuff either.

What's even stranger than fiction: I saw TWO older ladies by themselves waltzing around looking in junked cars for who knows what. They weren't together and were in two different parts of the yard. By all means they had every right to be there but unless they were just enjoying being in a junkyard like I was doing, it sure was a little odd. No tools either of 'em.

Looks like a Fury III with a 383. One of the FEW vintage sleds in the yard, and the only Chrysler/Plymouth as well.

Link to 3 images:
Author: DasBoot