Electric Fuel Pumps & Fuel Filters

Car sat stored for 20 years with 1/4 tank of old gas. Draining, Cleaning, Replacing gas tank was not done, but other precautions were taken prior to firing up the engine. Car started on 1st crank with 20 year old gas - couldn't believe it!

Have been driving car for awhile and have gone through 2 tanks of new gas so far. Carb was acting up from the beginning so going to rebuild it, replace fuel pump and install 3 fuel filters (2 before pump, 1 after) to ensure no old debri gets to the rebuilt carb.

Was thinking of maybe replacing the manual fuel pump with an ELECTRIC fuel pump. Seeking comments & suggestions on;

  1. PRO's & CON's of using an Electric Pump
  2. What types and brands of fuel filters people have had good success with
  3. If possible, please post links to preferred products or provide brand, model or part number.

Author: SF-66TC