[WANTED] TEXAS cheapy but ready to run 360 heads


While changing my head gaskets it was found that my heads good be "gone thru" but the price quickly went passed $400 so my machinist suggested I just get a set of brand new heads for a few more hundred (some EQs off flea bay).

I don't want to drop that kind of coin on an outdated engine and I'm not ready to go whole hog so I'm looking for a set of whatevers that will get me back on the road so I can drive my truck this summer.

I have a 1974 block 360, stock bottom end. Some smogger heads would be great as long as they don't need springs (like mine did), are flat and don't have any cracks.

I'm wanting to keep this under $100 so shipping is out and I can pick up anywhere in the golden triangle (Houston-San Antone/Austin-Dallas).

I even get up to Marshall/Shreveport to check on some acres from time to time.

Let me know what you have.

Author: admin