727 UpGrade to an overdrive

This is an ebay ad I read. His guy claims that he can make a 727 into an overdrive with the use of his kit. Read the copy of his post and let me know what you guys think.

This is how to convert your three speed 727 transmission to a 1995 back A518 overdrive transmission with a three wire connector (gas). Hundreds have been converted to overdrive after we figured out how to do this in 2004. Comes with 2 pressure switches and a vacuum switch with pigtail wire plus instructions. A 518 transmission has a 31% overdrive and will produce a 30 to 40% increase in gas mileage on the road over a three speed transmission. Remember overdrive is only 3rd gear high range anyway. There are two wire 518 transmissions out there, these have a non-lock-up torque converter. With this three wire setup you have a four speed transmission plus a torque converter lock-up feature. The extra gear is 3rd high range. We've been asked this question for years, so I decided to put it down in black and white. What we're actually going to do here is control the overdrive and torque converter lock-up normally controlled by the computer using one vacuum and two oil pressure switch. Instead of using an electronic speed sensor and throttle position sensor we will use a mechanical / hydraulic / electronic speed sensor and a vacuum / electronic throttle position sensor. This will be accomplished with the use of three GM parts and some trick wiring. The Chevy and Ford guys make the swap to overdrive all the time, it's time for the Dodge people to have the same option. Lets say you drive an average of 400 highway miles per week, at that rate you could save as much as $1000.00 per year on gas. Works automaticaly without a toggle switch or computer. There's no way to install a 518 overdrive unit on the back side of a 727 transmission and there never will be. Instructions at www.transmissioncenter.net/dodge.htm at the bottom of the page.

#1. The center wire on the transmission is the hot wire and the two other wires are ground wires for overdrive and the lock-up torque converter. The front wire is the overdrive ground and the rear wire is the torque converter lock-up ground. You can get a three wire female connector from a junk yard or buy one from us.
#2.Run a 12 volt fused wire that turns on and off with the key to the vacuum switch, then to the center wire on the transmission connector. This is a normally open vacuum switch that takes 7 pounds or more of vacuum to shift into overdrive and lock-up the torque converter and 3 pounds or less of vacuum to down shift and unlock the torque converter. Lets say you're in overdrive going 54 miles per hour at very light throttle, when you press on the throttle and the vacuum drops below 3 pounds the transmission will immediately shift back to 3rd gear low range without lock-up or even a lower gear depending on the throttle position.
#3. At the governor pressure tap on the transmission install a tee fitting for two oil pressure switches. Say a 44 PSI oil pressure switch for overdrive and a 52 PSI oil pressure switch for the torque converter lock-up. Or any other combination of switches you may want. At light throttle the transmission will shift into overdrive at 44 MPH and the torque converter will lock-up at 52 MPH. The pressure switches go on the outside of the transmission case in the governor pressure port. It's located on the right side, at the upper rear of the main transmission case. The figures on the pressure switch will only be correct if you have a stock tire size and rear end ratio.
#4. Run a wire from the front pin on the transmission connector to the 44 PSI oil pressure switch and a second wire from the rear pin on the transmission connector to the 52 PSI oil pressure switch. Now at 52 MPH when you step on the gas the transmission will shift back to third gear and the torque converter will unlock at the same time. It can't get any easier than this.
#5. Install a toggle switch in the overdrive ground wire. When the switch is turned off you will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd low range, exactly like a 727 transmission with the same ratios. When the switch is turned on you will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear low range plus 3rd high range. When the toggle switch is on the transmission will immediately shift into overdrive at light throttle over 44 miles per hour whenever itÂ’s in drive range on the gear selector. Once in overdrive the transmission will not come out of overdrive until the overdrive solenoid is turned off, or the vehicle speed goes below 44 miles per hour, or the vacuum drops below 3 pounds. The only electronic parts on a 518 transmission are the overdrive and torque converter lock-up solenoids.

On Oct-23-06 at 17:11:00 PDT, seller added the following information:

NOTE: The way governor pressure works is 1 pound of pressure per square inch equals 1 mile per hour unless someone has changed the tire size, or rear end ratio, or governor springs and weights. If things have been changed the shift points may be incorrect.
On Dec-19-06 at 03:32:01 PST, seller added the following information:
This should say inches of vacuum not pounds of vacuum.
Author: admin