Help Identifying ’58 Hemi…

Hey guys I'm going to buy this hemi tomorrow. I haven't seen it in person yet. Don't have a clue what size it is. All I know is the guy doesnt know what it is.. He listed it as a "1958 Dodge Engine" lol never once called it a hemi in the ad but as you can see it obviously is a hemi... But I'm getting it for $650. He doesnt know what size it is and wasnt able to get the casting numbers for me, due to not being with the engine. It has a 3 deuce set up on it or six pack.. (not sure if that was original for 58). But this is the only picture I got of it.

Any info you guys could give me before I go check it out would be nice. I'm probably going to buy it regardless of the size due to the fact its a hemi and easily worth the price alone and the six pack set up is worth that by its self. But can anyone tell me what casting numbers to look for? Or a way to identify it on the fly?

I'm not real familiar with the early hemi's but anything helps. Did they have big block and small block hemi's back then or were they all big blocks? I saw a 291 hemi sell at an auction a long time ago and I remember it looking like a massive engine (due to the massive hemi heads). Even makes a 440 look small lol.

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