I wanna –

As the handle suggests I have a hankering for a Cuda or at least a Barracuda, BUT I know squat about them other than the drive trains (had a '72 340 Duster decades ago after the military and switched to GM while raising my family due to lower $$$) But need a LOT of Info B4 I go shopping. What is correct? , What RE's are behind what drive trains? (8 3/4 is the least HD I would consider) Accurate Values? Dream land aside. No numbers matching, AAR, Hemi or six pack stuff (THAT I can do myself) show cars or rare trailer queens, Just your average 318, late '72 -'73 340 or '74 360 Model driver, solid and clean. I am fully aware that here in the midwest prices are FAR below left and right coast cars. I have found several here within 80 miles in the 10K to 18K range. But I need some education. Please bear with my probably ignorant or dumb questions from time to time. I am not interested in "cloning"/ faking a car or butchering a numbers correct one. Just want what I want in style and equipment. (which I can add or subtract later) Anyway hello.:icon_bounce:
Author: cuda wannabe