Strange electrical gremlin

I have had my car since 2009 and have never killed the battery. Well last night I was putting on the air cleaner after painting it. I opened the door for the remote hood release, closed it, turned around and then turned back when I said to myself why didn't the interior lights go on? Opened the door to check and nothing worked the battery was drained. Oh hell now I have to charge it as I thought I must have left the dome light on somehow.

So today I also stopped by the auto parts store to get some #90 bulbs for the interior courtesy lights under the dash. One had a bulb and the other didn't. So first I connected the battery to see if the lights worked and they did. Closed the door and they didn't go off. WTF? So I check all doors and the little trigger switches to make sure they were smoothly working. They were fine. Hmm? Light switch is in correct position. Well don't tell me I have to connect and disconnect the battery when running the car? What is going on?

Ok, let's just put the new bulb in on the passenger side and I do. Nice and bright. I close the door and all lights go off??? Open and close again and they go off. Now I know what happened. Over the weekend the bulb holder had been hanging since 2009. After putting the carpet back in I saw that and it reminded me to screw it into place which I did. Had no bulb so I left it. Apparently that was the source for grounding the battery. I went back in, took out the new bulb, and the lights once again wouldn't go out when the door closed. So I guess without a bulb in those sockets one has a direct way to drain their battery like I did right into the dash.
Author: tbm3fan