column shift to console shift question/opionion

I'm considering swapping from a column shift to a console shift....1971 Dart Swinger.

For those who have already done this what I'm reading on a lot of the posts is that a couple of the linkage pieces are hard to track down. Then I see a fair number of people who had planned to do the swap but then decide to go a different route (but usually they don't say what).

So are people throwing in the towel on the stock console swap because a couple of parts are hard to find or ??.

I'm thinking about maybe going with an aftermarket shifter for now and either gradually accumulating the stock parts or just getting the stock console and brackets to eventually put with the aftermarket shifter as I've seen a few people do.

So I guess I'm just mostly wondering about tracking down ALL of the correct linkage and brackets to do the most people have success with this or give up on it due to cost or just lack of parts and go with something else?


lol...that title is suppose to say "opinion"
Author: admin