Hemi Question, What would you do

So I've noticed my Hemi is smoking a little( blue smoke on acceleration). It's a Stanton built 426 and has about 400-500 miles on it. I've been noticing it more and more and I'm not sure what I wanta do. I spoke with Mr Stanton on the phone and he said to send it back if I'm not happy with it and he will take care of it. He seems to be a very stand up fellow who stands behind his work. I live in Colorado and I figure by the time I ship it to him in Kentucky I will have at least 500.00 in shipping. I run a garage and have my own Machinist I've been using for 14 years and he said bring him the short block and he'll rering it and hone it ( Probably looking at 300-500 dollars). The engine only smokes on accel and it seems to have a little blow-by through the breathers and I'm pretty sure it's smoking through the right bank of the engine more then the pass side bank. So I figure I have options, I could keep driving it and hope it clears up but I'm starting to doubt that, I have heard some people say thier Hemis smoked for 500-1000 miles before clearing up but that just doesn't seem right to me. I could send the engine back to Stanton and let them deal w/ it or I could take it apart myself and figure it out w/ my machinist. I havn't done a leak down or anything but it smokes and seems to have blow-by so I figure no matter what it probably needs to come apart. Anyone have any experience w/ a smoking Hemi. What would you guys do. I figure if I use my Machinist then he can check for anything else that may not be up to snuff while he has it. One more thing, Engine runs strong, is not noisey, has 30wt w/ a zync additive in it. What do you guys think?
Author: admin