65 Valiant cheap windshield seal

I know this is hard to expect but I'm looking for a cheap windshield seal on my 65 Valiant 4-door for the front windshield. I've only checked EBAY and they're $100 with shipping. Year One doesn't carry it or much anything for a 65. I'm having a very hard time just finding a new windshield for it my area of Atlanta. I did find one though, but the guy gave me an insane price, so ridiculous I won't even say how much. I'm not even sure if the seal is the problem but the windshield is cracked. The seal itself is still soft and pliable and I don't notice any cracks on it. But it is leaking, that could've also been because we took out the dash with the windshield still in and probably shifted the seal around a little, so it's coming through the corner. Do the seals usually have to be replaced? Where is the absolute bottom line cheapest place I'll find one? I'm just trying to make this car work, not try to impress.
Author: admin