You’ll never guess what I saw a punk kid do this morning… unreal.

I was walking up to a McDonald's this morning, when two kids maybe 14-15 years old were walking out carrying skateboards. The kids were well away from the building, already rolling across the parking lot on their skateboards. This elderly lady and her husband (I'm assuming) were approaching the door. The lady had a walker, and the man didn't have a walker, but looked very frail. The one kid stopped, set his board against a garbage can, yelled to his friend "hang on", then RAN about 30 feet back to the door and said "maam, please let me get that door for you". He held not only the first door, but then went around them and held the inside door for them too. As she went in and thanked him, he said "have a nice day". By this time, I was right behind them, so I looked at him and said "thank you" with a big smile.

I couldn't believe it. He didn't need to go back, honestly I'm surprised he even noticed.

Not all kids today are rude or thoughtless. Pretty much made my day.
Author: 72Dodge