Why ask Why??????

My wife called to tell me the county court in the county I live in has, for the 4th time in 10 years, requested the honor of my presence at a party for people who can't obey the law. 4th time in ten years I get a summons for Jury duty, my wife and my mom have never been called, I know probably 100 people that have never been called...why the *&%k are they calling me again?????

I know the state uses drivers license records to call for jury duty,but come on already...4 times in 10 years????

This is actually the 5th time I have been called though...the first time was 26 years ago. I actually did more than sit for 3 hours on that one as I had the defense attorney ask what I thought of some one who got drunk and stabbed his friend at a party. I told the attorney that being drunk was no excuse to be not guilty of assault with a deadly weapon. I was summarily dismissed....LOL

The other 3 times, I actually had to drive 19 miles one way to the court house and sit in a jury room for up to 3 hours before being sent home. No magazines, no radio, no TV...sit and look at the wall. What a waste of my time and money as a tax payer.
Author: Unfettered