What I have been up to..

Long story made short as possible, I bought a foreclosure and sold it after living there for 2 1/2 years. Made a little on it so I was able to move back to the other house we owned and build a decent garage. (Decent for me anyhow since I never have had a good place for my cars)

I put up the garage. 24x30 with 12 foot walls. By spring it will have a 2 post lift in it.

Then I said, the dog needs a fenced area so I put up a fence.

Then I said the patio isnt enough so I had another one poured. The guy did a crappy job on the first one so I had it repoured. The first picture is the original one that came with the house. See that concrete all over my siding in the second picture. That was fun to get off. Two hours with a pressure washer.

Well about the same time, I decided I missed my fireplace and would want one for the winter. This house didnt have one so.....

We need hardwood floors and carpet, right? LOL
Of course I didnt plan the fireplace until after I put them in. :p



And just before I embarked on this little adventure, I decided to get my wife into riding motorcycles. We have ridden together since we met but she has always said she wanted to ride her own bike so for our anniversary I surprised her with this.

How do you make a Honda Rebel 250 look like a 1500 Intruder sitting in the driveway? A campaign sign under the bike cover of course.

She walked right by it in the driveway when she got home. She came in, we talked a minute, and then I told her to come outside I had something to show her.

This is her look when I ripped the cover off.

I finally had to ask if she wanted to sit on the bike. LOL

I sent her to the training class. Her friend went too. They both passed and got a license. She hates this picture. She had been out in the cold all day and wearing a helmet the whole time. LOL

As with most riders, she got some experience and wanted a bigger bike so I got her this Yamaha 750

Now you know where I have been and what I have been up to. LOL
Author: Franktiregod