Two Lane Blacktop Novel

Two Lane Blacktop – Street Wars

Hey everyone,

I thought I would post about a new novel I’m going to be working on. I have always loved hearing about street racing scene from the past. I know with a lot of the movies today like Fast and Furious we get a lot of imports with a blend of some Muscle cars.

I thought about writing a novel with each chapter being a short story. I could give background on characters, cars and location. I keep tossing the idea around in my head about what time period I want to have this all take place in.

The more I think about it and I go away from my first idea being the 60’s and 70’s I’m thinking of adding modern day to it. I’m looking at doing the glory days of our beloved cars to the present day cars that we would like to see matched up with classic Muscle cars.

So my question is for you guys and this will be helping me out in my journey on this project. I do have the first story kind of started and later on I will give you guys a sneak peek of it. So with that being said my questions for you guys are.

What MOPAR would you like to see going against the brand X guy?

What year would you like for the story to take place in? If you want past or modern day just tell me along with the match up of cars.

I’m also going to throw this out there and put it in the mix. If you would like to be one of the characters or your car or both let me know. If you would be interested in this I would need to do something out of the box in what I have been planning to do.

I’m in the process of completing two novels that I hope to have out by the end of the year or first part of next year. The first two novels will be a Zombie story that I have been working on and off of for the past few years. The other one is a Romance novel (re-writing a good bit of it right now) that I wrote the majority in about two and half hours.

I have done mostly Horror, Zombie, Post-Apocalyptic type of stories and I’m now branching out to the Romance world as well. I was going to do a book on some fun filled facts and try to setup a photo shoot for the cars that I had in mind but in the area I live in it is very hard to find the right cars let alone the people willing to do this.

I’m still kicking around the idea of trying to do a photo shoot for this book. I will update as I go about this idea. The title of the book is also just a working title as of right now.

The novel or for it to be novel length would have to be seventy thousand words. I’m going to start with my first idea and go from there. I’m going to try and make each story 10-25 thousand words and if it goes past that, well it will be okay.

My goal is to have seven short stories but I’m sure as I go along I will go to ten maybe more as I get into the project. I would love to have twenty stories.

So for now that and this is me just thinking out loud, tell me what you would like to see and I will see if I can make it happen.
Author: CoronetRTguy