The H.E.M.I. Show pics and dyno video

I snapped a few photos from the H.E.M.I. Show in Avondale (Phoenix) Arizona. The show was at UTI, March 7th, 2015, that place was huge, made the show look really small. It was already getting on in the afternoon and some people started to leave already. The dyno was a big hit as usual, 27 cars went up on the dyno.

This is a Chrysler Maserati TC. I remember them, but very few around.

This one has a V10 from a Ram 2500 in it. Nice clean install too.

And what is this?

1972 Charger, mine

1968 Charger 383 4 spd

This is a Duster drag car, not a Coronet as described

A 6.1 Hemi swap Wrangler

An azz kicking little Neon

This 66 needs some tuning, we need to get it to tech session and unleash it's true potential

Impressive little Cobalt, some brand X'rs were let in to run the dyno.

Author: Paul_G