The Carburetor from Hell!!

I'm posting this in case someone else runs into the same type of problem I have.....

I got my Magnum out of storage about 9 years ago and went through the car making it road worthy. My wife and I drove it to Kansas to visit family which was about an 1850 mile round trip. The car pretty much ran fine. I had a failure with an ECM and with the wipers but the car was otherwise problem free.

I have always had a problem with the carburetor which I could never seem to track down. I have probably went through it at least 10 times or so and everytime I would put it back on the engine everything would be fine.... for awhile. Problem I was having was a rough and lower rpm idle. It sounded like the engine was running on 4 cylinders and the idle mixture screw on the left side had no effect on the idle. I read books about this carb, checked all the passages, everything looked good, the engine just would not idle correctly.

I had always suspected the pickup tube but I could see through the tiny holes. I had previously modified the carburetor to block the passages related to the lean burn function and was beginning to doubt my own work. So, I bought a carburetor that was the same model but pre-leanburn. Today the weather was nice and I decided to tackle the problem (again). Much to my surprise I discovered the 2 carburetors were not compatible and the one I bought didn't have the correct mounts for the automatic transmission cable.

Anyway, to make a long story short the problem was with the pickup tube on the left side. I would clean it before and there must have been something inside that plugged the small hole in the top. I took the tube out and blew through it from the bottom which is the way the fuel would flow. At first I could blow through it fine then it got plugged. After using a small wire and a fair amount of carburetor cleaner I got it to where I could always blow through it. Put everything back together, started the engine, adjusted the idle mixture and the engine ran beautifully. Took the car for a drive and acceleration was smooth and I had a smile on my face.

Have to do a little brake work in the spring. Again the car has sat a little too long and there are some issues with the brakes. I'll replace the calipers in the spring and I'm thinking of taking the car to a show somewhere in southern Ohio where Magnumguy says people show up with their Magnums.

Bill, you will have to give me the details.

Author: daveo50