Tales of the Supernatural

I have to preface this account with a statement: I do not believe in ghosts. I don't think. Maybe.

I was sitting in my favorite chair in the corner of the living room recently one evening, tapping away at my laptop. The computer was resting on the arm of the chair and I was looking at the screen when I thought I saw "something" move quickly from the back door (which was closed) to the hallway that lead to the back of the house. I say "something" because I didn't really see an object or shape. I looked up instinctively and of course didn't see anything. I was about to dismiss the occurrence as the result of staring at the computer screen too long when our beagle stood up and stared at the hallway. At that moment I got a chill down my spine. The dog didn't bark, her fur wasn't up, she just stared for about a minute, then laid back down.
Author: Loadrunner