Sunny Days With A Chance Of Rain

Greetings To The FMJ World!

I am now at a loss. When I run the A/C in Darth Car the floor gets wet. So I said, "well the condensate drain must be clogged." So to test, the next day I sweated my drive out with only the vent running; no wet floor. Then I decided to run the heater one morning, full blast, with the button pulled out, so the A/C would not engage. No wet floor. Then I ran the A/C for two days with no wet floor. Today being the third day, the floor was wet when running the A/C.

So I pulled off the elephant trunk rubber drain hose, under the hood. I have seen these hoses in the past rot away, and allow air to blow into the evaporator box, and push the water out on the floor, but since the elephant trunk hose is ok, this is not the issue. While I had the trunk hose off I used the inspection mirror to look inside for an obstruction, but saw none. So now I do not know what to do to keep the floor dry while I keep cool?
Author: Darth-Car