so im on my way home

after a nice day at my brothers visiting with family
my wife and i are driving home "light traffic"
some old timer in a old 4 door rod silver/black moves up along side me and starts goosing it WELL....:naughty:
THE OL 5TH WASNT HAVIN IT mind u this motor is just broken in and im still fine tuning
we couldn't get in a full blown race mind u we ant teen agers no pun to the young here.,, but this 318 has a lot of power ond ol boy got his lunch toasted
then at the next intersection a suv full of dudes were impressed they loved it u know how it works " wat u gt in that that was awsome how do i gt one. one of the dudes said he was going to post it on y-tube"
oh oh
incriminating evidence LOL WOO HOO
if i find it i will try to post the link you never know
any one els out there with stories or vides i love em post them cool?
eats chevies craps fords picks its teeth with toyotas:laugh:
Author: Gorts 5th