Sept 24 Devotional

You're A Vessel

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us"
(2 Cor. 4:7).

At the time the New Testament was written, people had special earthen jars in which they put their jewels, gold, coins, and important papers for safekeeping. These pottery vessels were only of value because of the treasure hidden in them.

Our lives here are compared to vessels. Not only are our lives referred to as vessels, but as earthen ones. There is nothing pretentious or of great value in earthen vessels. It is not the earthen vessel that is important but what it contains. God's purpose in making us vessels is that we are to be containers for God's special treasure. The treasure of our earthen vessel is the knowlege of the glory of God which is seen in the face of Christ Jesus. The treasure, Jesus Christ is reproduced in the lives of believers. God can take the most insignificant vessel and magnify and reflect the glory and beauty of Himself.

Through our vessels the glory of God will be communicated to those around us. This treasure brings the power of God into our lives. It gives a life of power, a power that can change a life within. It is the power of a living Christ in our lives.

His power is sufficient for our daily needs. When we are exhausted, His power becomes our needed strength. When we are misunderstood or criticized it lifts us above it. When we have trouble coping with situations, His power helps us to face them. Whatever our daily need, the power of God released in our life through Jesus Christ is sufficient for that need.

The power of God reflects in our earthen vessel the treasure of the life of Jesus Christ in us. Lets share our treasure... :angel:

Author: Magnumguy