Running a tad hot

Guys, you have all been great in answering my questions (and I am FULL of questions), so I am zinging a few more your way--

the other night I checked the antifreeze in my Plymouth P12 and added about 1-1/2 pints of premixed prestone. Then took her out for a spin (about 60 miles). It was a hot evening (90-95 degrees) and I pushed her right along at about 55 mph. She didn't overheat, but the needle on the temp gage did tickle the "red" zone. Normally when I drive her the needle stays between just right of center to about halfway between center and "red". Is this normal for these cars under this set of conditions? My experience with thermostats (admittedly from 30 years ago) is that they give out right away, not gradually, so I don't think the problem is there. Also, I am thinking of draining the block and replacing the anti-freeze. You used to be able to buy back-flush kits to clean scale and what-not from the cooling system. Are these still available and is it advisable to use one on this car? Thanks.

Author: BruceB