Remember New Yorker’s “Electronic Voice Alert?”

Back in the '80s the New Yorker had the "Electronic Voice Alert" that would politely notify occupants that a door was ajar or the oil pressure was low or a number of other tidbits of information that was useful. The local radio station used to play a parody commercial for a New Yorker that now "...sounded like a New Yorker." The pleasant voice was replaced by a gruff male voice sneering out messages like:

Hey moron, your lights are on, you tryin' to kill the battery?

Turn your wipers on beeeep, can't you see it's raining?

Whoa! Fat beep, buckle your seat belt!

Beeep, you think this thing runs on air, put some gas in the tank you cheap beeeep?

Of course, they bleeped out all the cuss words but it was so shocking (and hilarious) for 1985.
Author: Loadrunner