power but no star 1974 plymouth duster

Hey guys, got a problem with the duster hoping someone my be able to help!! So I Blew my fusible link the other day and ended up fixing it and putting a new one in, I did notice that the bulk head connector has melted just a tad where the link went in but I rigged it until i can get a new one. After I did all that the car started no problem! The day after I drove it around with no problem until I let it sit for about 2 hours, when i went to start it acted like a dead battery where it would "click. Click,click" but no start until jumped when it started it made a horrible grinding noise when in park and neutral, but not in drive or reverse!! I was able to get it home and parked in garage, but left it because i had no time to mess with it. Now it wont even click when key turned. I have lights, radio just no power when key turned!!! I checked the battery and starter which both are good.. so i have no idea where to look next!:yikes:
thanks everybody for the help you can provide