Pearl Harbor, the Movie

I saw the 2001 movie Pearl Harbor in the theater, since Tora x3 is one of my favorite WWII flics I was excited to see a modern version with the latest in special effects technology. Upon leaving the theater after the movie I turned to my lovely wife and asked what she thought; she loved it. I, on the other hand, offered that I would be fine if I never saw it again. I wasn't alone, that was one of the few movies where I witnessed people getting up to leave before it was even half over.

Well, it was on TV the other night so I watched it thinking that, due to my high expectations, I'd judged it too harshly the first time. This time I was aware that Pearl Harbor is not a remake of Tora x3, rather, it's a love story with the attack on Pearl Harbor looming in the background. The movie scores high on the eye candy meter what with a cast that includes Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Garner (WV girl). The attack itself is noteworthy, although except for a few scenes, they miss the magnitude of that many planes in a coordinated attack. My favorite scenes this time around are those of post-attack President Roosevelt played by Jon Voight.

Bottom line? It's a good date night movie but not a good hangin out with the guys movie.
Author: Loadrunner