
Hunt around and try to find “Fitna.” Shockingly enough it was a film made by a Dutch politician named Geert Wilder. This isn’t to be confused w/ moderate Muslims, these are the whack jobs. I really love that the Pres of Iran was called a “Man of Peace” by a bunch of students who sat and talked w/him this week near the UN..then he went on Larry King and when asked about Iran’s approach to homosexuals he replied “Iran has an ABSOLUTE law against it.” Then Larry glossed on by; an ABSOLUTE muslim…


Hunt around and try to find “Fitna.” Shockingly enough it was a film made by a Dutch politician named Geert Wilder. This isn’t to be confused w/ moderate Muslims, these are the whack jobs. I really love that the Pres of Iran was called a “Man of Peace” by a bunch of students who sat and talked w/him this week near the UN..then he went on Larry King and when asked about Iran’s approach to homosexuals he replied “Iran has an ABSOLUTE law against it.” Then Larry glossed on by; an ABSOLUTE muslim…

stupid youtube question

ok while I was overseas I found a youtube video of muscle cars. I think it might have only been mopar but Im not sure. Anyway the video is really a slideshow of pictures and it has a cool song for the soundtrack. I tried to find it but cant. I dont remember the song but I think its george thorogood. I know its not bad to the bone, i drink alone, josephine, or one burbon. It might not be george but it sounds like him. Anyone.

Oh like I said stupid youtube video question

stupid youtube question

ok while I was overseas I found a youtube video of muscle cars. I think it might have only been mopar but Im not sure. Anyway the video is really a slideshow of pictures and it has a cool song for the soundtrack. I tried to find it but cant. I dont remember the song but I think its george thorogood. I know its not bad to the bone, i drink alone, josephine, or one burbon. It might not be george but it sounds like him. Anyone.

Oh like I said stupid youtube video question

brake idiot light will not go out

I just changed the brakes on my dart.
I did drums all the way around. I changed the master cylinder and bleed all the lines. I have full pressure to the lines yet my light on the dash will not go out. I checked the connection at the prop valve and its on and fine. Yet still nothing. I have messed with the sensor a little near the brake pedal and still nothing.

Any ideas?


brake idiot light will not go out

I just changed the brakes on my dart.
I did drums all the way around. I changed the master cylinder and bleed all the lines. I have full pressure to the lines yet my light on the dash will not go out. I checked the connection at the prop valve and its on and fine. Yet still nothing. I have messed with the sensor a little near the brake pedal and still nothing.

Any ideas?


Custom painted aircleaner

I painted this for my valiant and it no longer fits (thats a good thing)..It’s by no means perfect, has a few dents and dings, I painted over some pitting and rough spots, but from a couple feet it’s bitchin’ (the lettering and pinstriping are done by hand). The color is not a perfect match buts its real close to my car. If anyones interested, make me an offer……………….thanks Mike……….St. Louis Mo