Lacuqer paint

Has anyone used lacquer lately with success? if so, does it do a comparable job to urethane? And what about clear coats? Can you put clear on top of a few coats of lacquer?

I know that most professional shops use urethane paint nowadays. I’m not even sure if lacquer is available to the general public anymore.

Just curious what the difference is.


Meow !!!!

Got this pic on my trail camera …. Not a Mopar but kinda cool ….

SBP to BBP swap questions

I know i’ve seen stuff on this but can’t find it now.

All the wheels I want only come BBP so I guess I’ll be swapping.Even fat steelies! So, the budget is low. I’m guessn’ that you just swap rear axles/ brakes in the rear. Any bolt in for a 71 dart with the 8 3/4? The front looks more expensive.

What stock parts would I need to swap my sbp disc to bbp?

Any links, sites, or even a mild butt chewing for the noob question would be great!

A-Body 4-speed reverse linkage

Looking for a used reverse shifting rod for an A-body 4 speed.

Sweet little Dart

not mine, found it surfing tonight.

tudly or not studly ?

That is my question …… with my new TTI headers – do I go all bolts or leave the outside studs in place ?


Hi Guys,

I’m new on this site, I have a 1972 Plymouth Duster and a 1968 Dodge Dart both have 340’s in them , I might need some help time to time , so I’ll be on here different times.
