For the soldiers …

I got this today in an email and thought it was pretty cool.

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*Something great that Xerox is doing …

If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can ‘ t pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great site. …

Meanwhile, At The Mental Hospital…

After hearing that one of the patients in a mental hospital had saved another from a suicide attempt by pulling him out of a bathtub, the hospital director reviewed the rescuer’s file and called him into his office.

“Mr. Haroldson, your records and your heroic behavior indicate that you’re ready to go home. I’m only sorry that the man you saved later killed himself with a rope around the neck.”

“Oh, he didn’t kill himself,” Mr. Haroldson replied. “I hung him up to dry.”:thumleft: 😯


The woman seated herself in the psychiatrists office. “What seems to be the problem?” the doctor asked.

“Well, I, uh,” she stammered. “I think I, uh, might be a nymphomaniac.”

“I see,” he said. “I can help you, but I must advise you that my fee is $80 an hour.”

“That’s not bad,” she replied. “How much for all night?

1967 Dodge dart 1 900$ for sale

1967 Dodge dart 1 900$ canadian , , just near , trois-riviere in quebec canada , , the car is solid but needs a total restoration , the car is complete too , but since 2 years the car didnt run , i bought the car 4 000 $ and made some things on it , 4 years ago , its a slant 6 , the interior is in good shape , and the car as been repainted in 1996 , the paint is nice , but there is a lot of putty when they did the last amateur restoration on it .. anyway is theres someone interested in it…

63 Valient convert

Seen this on craigslist.

Bass Guitars

* I just recently picked up a 5 string sr505 ibenez and LOVE it!!!
My question is,does anyone else have one and do you like it??

i was also looking at some NECK-THROUGH basses,i dont know much about neck-through and thought it was a bad idea so i passed…good choice or bad??*

Needed in NJ for 66 Valiant

Well since I had no luck selling the 66 Valiant convertible, I might as well look for a few parts that I need for it.

RR qtr. as full as possible, some rust OK. (need taillight to jamb!)
Grille assy, all piece and headlight rings.
Driver cond. front and rear bumpers
panel above R. bumper, below trunk lid.

for a HS project car…so be kind in pricing. Should be in driving dist. of NJ for the qtr.. Shipping is a killer on the qtr.