wanted 8 3/4 chunk

I am looking fora center unit with 4.88 in it. does anyone have one out there that they would want to sell.

thin cylinder wall engines: the answer is…..

A while ago I posted a thread inquiring about thin cylinder walls on the 440. My plans of building a strong blown motor brought about great concern to this possible flaw. I got a few replies on the subject, and they were very helpful. Me being the “have to be sure” person that I am, had to do some more research on the topic. So if anyone else is curious about this subject I found a link that better answers that question and a few more in greater depth. So if you’re interested, here it is…

’73 & Up Disc Brake Spindles

Looking for a pair of ’73 & up Disc Brake Spindles.
Just the spindles…….

Email churdt33@sssnet.com w/pics & price.

put the new tuff wheel on…

been wanting one since i saw the one on my buddy kens car. saw nice with one he bought from mancini yesterday. made sure it was the diameter i wanted and went and bought the last one they had. $103. thought that was a decent price.

was worried about how it would fit or even if it would fit using the rim blow adapter i have and if the horn shit would all work without a kit. well after looking at kens i knew the horn would work and when we got home yesterday i checked the bolt pattern and…

torgue converter oil

Just had the transmission rebuilt 727A and I drained the old oil out of the converter about 1 quart. Do I need to add any new oil into the converter before install to the transmission or just add oil to the transmission only and allow the converter to fill.

I just can’t rember
thanks chris

Classified Info….


fun stuff

At the national Art Gallery…….

At the National Art Gallery in Dublin , a husband and wife were staring at a portrait that had them completely confused.

The painting depicted Three Black Men totally naked sitting on a park bench. Two of the figures had Black Willies, but the one in the middle had a Pink Willie.

The curator of the gallery realized that they were having trouble interpreting the painting and offered his assessment.

He went on for over half an hour explaining how it depicted the sexual emasculation of Black…