Cam Degree Wheel

Need cam installation degree wheel for a small block. Would prefer the one with instructions. Thanks.

my duster build up

72 gold duster 318

well i first got the car when i was 16-17 years old it was all stock just had and exhaust on it i got the car for 1800 bucks from an old boss when i was working at a shop.a few months after i got the car i decieded to tear the top end of the motor apart and put my parts on that i saved up and other things that i have saved up from when i had my 69 dart

here it is when i first got it



alberta cananda residence help me!!!!

i have sold my 74 360 duster to a gentleman in
red deer, alberta cananda. we are having a terrible time to get it shipped there. i have found a place that will haul it to sweet grass, montana for 1300.00 but need to get it from there to red deer, alberta canada. it appears to be just north of calgary. do you know of anyone with a enclosed trailer in your area that may want to make a $1000 to drive down to the border and haul this car up for us. we will have all the paper work to the border for…

What transmission for a 383 Magnum?

I have a chance to get a 71 Road Runner with a 383 Magnum but there is no transmission in it. Owner says it was originally an auto but has been converted to a 4-speed. What do I need for a transmission to hook up to a 383, and any estimate on cost?

If You Can’t Own The Real Thing…

This is one hobby I have that tends to give me some relaxation, or at least it’s SUPPOSED to. :no:

I have always wanted a Daytona or Superbird but…

66 Dart Gt Parts Wanted!!!

Ok, here we go… I need to find “roofrail ” weather stripping for my 66 GT. I looked on laysons, legendary, etc. but don’t see it for a 66.. any ideas.

Also I need the clips that go to put the rear windshield back in:

Also the clips that go on the top across for the stainless mouldings on the roof. Thanks for all your help!!! John

Here is a pic of the rear.

66 Dart Gt Parts Wanted!!!

Hey Guys, I need HELP!!!! I need this part for my 66 Dart . anyone have it???