70 Hardtop Quarter Glass Removal

70 Swinger

Searched the site and can’t find an answer. The elderly woman whom owned my Dart apparnetly never rolled down the quarter glass. The grease is like wax and they’re pretty locked up. One roller on the passenger side has hopped the track. I’d like to get everything out and service all the moving parts.

The factory manual says to remove the glass before the regulator. To remove the glass it says at the mid position to remove the spring nuts from the regulator arm studs.


Virtual Garage Sale……more stuff

pm me with an offer if you find something you are interested in, other than the lamp

alterkation and road feel?

As some of you know, I am not really considering saving up for an alterkation setup on the dart. Due to future engine and better handling, etc. and the cool look factor too.


I was wondering if the road feel is lost with these kits. I don’t really wanna have a nasty dart and when i drive it, the steering feels like a chrysler 300. you know?
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Non-Mopar in the garage today

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center up one of the exhaust extensions out back. It
has a Pro-Charger and 6 speed in it. This thing runs!

I made him stand with the car.

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I’ve been putting a lot of street miles on my fresh 360 Magnum in my ’70 Duster including a 7-hour (each way) road trip through the mountains. It runs fantastic but the gas and blowby fumes have started to get on my nerves; my clothes often stink of gas after I’ve been driving for a while.

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Found a new cap and rotor, check part number?

I am moving and found a new cap and rotor in my garage, it fits on my 360 distributer but I am not sure what it is for. Can some check the part numbers for me? I need one for my motor and will use them if they are for a SB mopar. Thanks.

Niehoff PT120…