Show me your wildest F body

Show me your wildest F body or project in progress.

Show me your wildest F body

Show me your wildest F body or project in progress.

a good excuse not to come to work!

a man called his boss to explain hes not coming in to work, upon hearing this the boss says, whats ur excuse? the man said i have anal glaucoma! the…

Wanted a factory water pump for rebuild for 67 date

For 440 eng.send pics and price and dates.

Damn shes dirty Been in the garage a while.

Runner rebuild

I have come across a 73 RR that is in the beginning statge of rebuild. I purchased it to finish it, but the front end (body parts, fenders etc) is…

Seat back cable on ’69 RR

How difficult is it to replace the seat back cable in these things?

My passenger side cable appears to be seized 🙁

Tried taking off the…