Oil on spark plug threads

I have a 76 Cordoba 400 with 4 barrel. This car is all original except for the carb and is like new. The mileage is a pampered 53K. Lots of idle time instead of drive time due to storage
Last week I did my yearly undercarriage inspection and wipe down and noticed 2 oil leaks down the side of the block. Traced to the second cylinder (drivers side) spark plug. I pulled the plug, and it was loose to start, and oil is on the threads and on the perimeter but not on the electrode.
I cannot see any area above like the valve cover leaking - I will inspect closer this weekend.
The only thing that would make sense is possible carbon around the ring. I cannot see bad rings or valve seals with this engine. By the way it does not misfire.
Any ideas or comments would be appreciated. THANX
Author: scotch