Oct 29 Devo ~ Under Construction

Under Construction

2 Corinthians 5:17...
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new"

Ever wonder why each Christian is uniquely molded for a specific purpose?

When I was commandeered for the Kingdom --- the Lord had a plan --- but honestly my will was in the way. It took many years for my heart to line up with the will of Jesus for my life.

It's like the old blacksmith's forge. The forge is used to heat a piece of metal to a very high temperature where it becomes easy to shape. The blacksmith makes the wrought iron white hot in the fire. When it is ready and the temperature has prepared the metal the blacksmith goes into action. He places the metal on an anvil and hammers it into the proper shape.

The creative process brings forth resilience, purity, strength and durability. And each and every piece produced is uniquely different.

The pain, tribulations, frustrations and challenges we experience take on a sense of urgency when like this heated metal they are placed on the anvil of life. The Lord as "blacksmith in charge" begins the molding process to "fit' us into his ultimate plan.

Like the piece of metal that must withstand the fire, anvil and hammer I had to understand what was happening. I was becoming a new creation continually under construction. This process began the day I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and continues even today. And goes on until reaching glory where the Master will "fit molded me in" as He desires.

Prayer: Father thank you that each day under construction is a new day to learn about You, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Help me to understand and embrace the changes as I'm being molded to eternally "fit in". In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! :angel:


Christian Cyber Devotions

From Pastor Bill
An Outreach of Christian*Cyber*Ministries

Author: Magnumguy