Oct 13 Devo ~

What Is My Idol?

That was the time they made an idol in the form of a calf. They brought sacrifices to it and reveled in what their hands had made
(Acts 7:41).

“I can’t be put on a list to serve regularly during Sunday worship because I don’t always know our soccer schedules,” the young father told me. “Both the team I play on and my daughter’s team, have Sunday morning games.” “We are so busy at work right now that it’s all I can do to keep up. I don’t have time for anything else,” a career-minded young Christian says. And a middle-aged man ignores a request to help support a mission effort to the poor. Yet he’s driving a shiny new sports car.

I don’t know how to respond to such modern-day excuses. How can sports and careers and possessions trump the call of God to sacrificial service? Every culture today has its idols--from giant gold statues to sports and leisure activities. Accumulating money in order to accumulate possessions can become both mind-absorbing and time-consuming. I am guilty of any number of such idolatries. How is it with you? Each day let us evaluate our priorities and ask the Lord to purify our motives. His own sacrifice for us gives His call to service a compelling power like nothing else on earth.

Almighty God, You alone are the Creator of the universe. You alone are to be worshipped and adored. Please help me to see the idols that I put ahead of You. Help me to serve You and only You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. :angel:


Standard Publishing's 365 Daily Devotionals


Author: Magnumguy