Neil Diamond Saved My Boss

Last night my wife and I were having a few adult beverages and listening to iPod packed with over 10,000 songs of every type imaginable. During this time I was expressing how tomorrow was Friday (today) which meant that my four foot overweight braindead garden gnome of an oxygen wasting boss would no doubt say or do something to totally piss me off. Something he seems to do every Friday.....not particularly out of malice....more like a walking pot of Kraft dinner pretending to have an intelligence level slightly above a bowl of mashed potatoes trying to exercise the "I'm the boss" trip.

Fair enough.....he's the boss...but when you're a walking kumquat with no comprehension of what's involved in the operations of what it takes to get stuff out the door that falls a little flat.

Anyway.....I was telling my wife how I'd like to take the mentally deficient wipe out back and kick his sorry ass all over the parking lot but at the same time I really didn't want to ruin my Friday and start out my weekend on a bad note.

Coincidentally.....Song Sung Blue by Neil Diamond came on.
It has no lyrical significance to anything but I sort of drifted off for a second remembering that song from when I was a kid.
She noticed the sort of calming effect it had and said "Why don't you just keep running that song through your head tomorrow and ignore him?" I thought it was a silly idea but as the night went on I thought it's actually not a bad idea.

I saw the walking fecal matter this morning briefly and then he went out.....I've been running that song through my head and it's working remarkably well.....even when the human urinal puck does come back.....I'm ready.....I will not punch his head in.....I will not get angry......and I will have a great weekend.

And I have Neil Diamond to thank for it......

Thank you Neil.......