Need Help with Pistol Grip shifter! A833!

Hey guys, if you read my other thread the reverse rod on my shifter broke. Well I took it out welded the rod back together and put it back together. When I took the shifter apart I was very careful to take each shim and rod or linkage plate whatever you want to call it off and laid them on the table to where I would know exactly how they came apart. Well I guess as I had my hood down welding my little brother was curious about the parts of the shifter and decided to pick a couple or all (I dont know) of them up and look at them therefore ruining my "perfect order" lol. After trying to guess how it went back together and getting it back in the car I have found all gears work great 1 through 4. But its as if there is not notch in the shifter for it to go up and over into reverse! lol. So I am really needing a schematic or something showing exactly how the shims and plates go together. I would REALLY REALLY appreciate some help here guys other wise I'm gonna have to find someone that knows how it goes together which i'm sure wont be an easy task if not impossible in my area. Or just buy a new shifter which I really dont want to do after seeing the prices on a pistol grip set up! Plz help. Thank you. I have searched google images for a schematic with no luck. Maybe one of you have gotten a part for a pistol grip with directions showing how it goes together?