My new “toy” is running

My new "used" (3000Km) '94 1/2 Suzuki GXV500R (2 stroke V-4 home-market bike) has it's new custom exspansion chambers on it and it's new "black box". With the "Global Warming" we've been having here in Okie-land (on track for a near record cold winter), no point in buying $700 worth of Metzler's for it yet. There's something about the smell of pre-mix and 130 octane race fuel I love. I can't believe how light and tiny this bike is. Rear-sets are only 16" below the seat. OK for 5' and a little Japanese, but a bit tight for a 56 year-old 5'9" 179 lber. Around the end of March hopefully, I'll put tires on it and go play with it. I know some roads in Eastern OK and Western AR this baby is made for!:riceboy:
Author: Walkercolt