My new 70 Hurst

Hello everyone, I just recently was able to purchase my 300H to restore. Over all she is in good condition for her age but will need some care. Thanks to this site I was able to find her. The story is kind of long and twisted lol. It started when 69Monaco posted this Minneapolis Craigslist add.

I contacted the supposed seller. During our conversations the car changed locations of where he stored it once I said I had somebody in the area who could check it out. In the thread posted above some guys said sometimes you should take time to look because not always is the person being crooked. In this case it appeared to be the later. The photos of the car he posted on Craigslist were also the wrong ones and then sent different ones later which showed a car in much worse shape. The guy was very pressing to sell me one and kept calling. During the conversation he claimed to own two cars in AZ. He seemed knowledgeable in the cars but sketchy in his story lines as they changed from conversation to conversation. During one of the final conversations the guy switched his story mid conversation of his friend who stored the cars wanting one to the seller wanting to ship both to his house. He said we could save on shipping that way. As his stories always were sketchy there was no way I was sending him any money. He kept pressing to send him full payment but I was not going to do that! As fortune would have it, AZblackhemi posted the following thread.
They were the cars the guy in the Craigslist claimed he owned. During my research I found he was using photos and places from different car adds that had been for sale on the internet.

I contacted Azblackhemi and he was kind enough to put me in contact with the real owner of the cars. We struck a deal and I started my five day trip to pick her up. It was a fun trip. I have driven to AZ a few time so I know what I was in for. During a conversation with the owner he had said he bought a 50s Plymouth in Denver. Since I was driving through there I said I could haul it to him. My friend and I stopped to get it. Here we are loading it up.

When we arrived, there was my new car sitting in the driveway! It was real after all, lol!

All loaded and ready to go!

Driving away and heading for colder parts.

After a couple days on the road we arrived home!

Now starts the cleaning phase and restoration. Thanks to the great people on this site I found my car!
Author: 65MonacoND