MAY 30 DEVO ~ Approach With Confidence

Hebrews 4: 15-16

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Here is your vocabulary word for the day: fragging.

Never heard of it? Even my spellchecker didn’t know it. Nor did I when I saw it. The word for “help” in this passage is literally translated as “a fragging rope.” So what’s a fragging rope? It’s any rope on a ship which is not part of the standing or running rigging. In other words, a rope just lying around on deck, to be used for things like rescuing a drowning sailor. The picture in the original then is that of a sailor throwing a rope to one who is drowning, just in the nick of time.

One of the most vivid images of World War II came from the sinking of the battleship Bismarck. It shows German sailors, after the sinking, being rescued by a British cruiser. The German sailors swam towards their enemy’s ship, confident that the brotherhood of the sea would prevail and they would be rescued.

We are like those sailors. We are shipwrecked in the sea of sin; we need a rope. How can we be sure that Jesus will throw it?

· Because he’s a sailor on that same sea—he knows our weaknesses, he is human too.

· Because he knows the perils of that sea—for he was tempted just as we are.

It is God’s will that each and every one of us be thrown that rope. But a rope alone will not help; the other end needs to be attached to a working ship. But his ship floats on the sea of sin, for he is without sin. By his perfection and sacrifice, the rope holds firmly to the good ship Grace.

So then, what should we do? Like those German sailors after the battle, we need to swim towards the ship still afloat. As Paul puts it here, we must approach the throne of grace with confidence. Even though we have been the enemies of God, we can swim to his ship secure in the knowledge that he intends to rescue each and every one of us.

It is a wonderful thing, the brotherhood of the sea, which causes a sailor to throw a rope to a man who was his enemy ten minutes earlier. How much more wonderful, then, is it when Christ himself throws a rope to us, pulling us towards eternal life!

Lord, your grace is beyond our imaginings—but not beyond our grasp. Teach us to come boldly to you. :angel:


Author: Magnumguy