May 19 Devo ~

Life Changing Illustration

Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him"
NLT Bible Paraphrase

Some years ago Pastor Tom stepped out from behind the pulpit and set out to become rich and famous. He took a job where whatever he sold, he received 25% of the selling price. The more Tom sold the more money he made. He accumulated a huge nest egg over the next 10 years. But the problem he encountered was he had all the money he could spend but he was empty inside. His success and accumulation was totally un-satisfying.

Then he decided to attend a seminar about money. After the introduction and a few details the speaker made a life changing illustration for Tom and everyone in the room. He shared about how God perceived finances. To make his point he put things in perspective this way.

A man from Eastern Europe moved to America looking for opportunity and riches. He related that during the 70 years of Communism in his country, people were told the Communist government owned everything and the government would provide for everyone. He lived it and found out it didn't work. And everyone was unhappy. He went on to say that Communism fell.

Then he told of coming to America because everyone said that capitalism was the way to go. Where people own everything and they have to provide for themselves and government stays out of their business. Then when he got here he found that everyone was unhappy and voting that the government should provide for everyone. He was totally disillusioned.

When Tom came home his wife expectantly asked, "Honey what did you learn today?" Tom eagerly summed up the day and the seminar when he said, today I learned about Communism and Capitalism and the best news of all.

Communism failed under the burden of unhappy people and Capitalism is swimming with unhappy people. Then our speaker put everything in perspective. I learned that Jesus created everything and is the owner of everything and He provides everything. I'm a Kingdom Administrator overseeing the distribution of what He gives me.

That day everything changed for Pastor Tom as he returned to his pulpit spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. And this time with a new twist. The Lord owns everything! :angel:

Prayer: Father help me fully understand how to be an effective Kingdom Administrator of all the Lord provides. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


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Pastor Bill Christian Cyber Ministries
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Author: Magnumguy